Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq R.A
Second Caliph (born 582- 643 CE – died 6 November 644 CE)
Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A is the most respectful & the most effective personality in Muslim Ummah after Abu Bakr R.A. He is also one of the Companions R.A of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W, who was given the reward of Heaven in the world by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. He was born in the tribe of "Adi", a branch of Quresh, 40 years before migration of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W, from Makkah to Madinah and 13 years after the incident of Aam-ul-Feel in 582 C.E. His name was "Abu Hafs", a patronymic name of old traditions. He was the strongest and brave one in all the Makkah. No body in Makkah existed in His youth who could dare to fight with Him. But after embracing Islam He was the most fair and just in ever. On 6th year of Prophet hood by Muhammad S.A.W.W, he embraced Islam. His embracing Islam, is the most popular story of the Islamic history. He was the one who took Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W and a small group of Muslims in Kaaba to offer Namaz for the first time in history. The wordings to Kuffars was: "If anyone want to make his children Orphan and wife as a widow, do stop us!". The same words were heard by the Kuffars again at the time of migration of Muslims to Madinah. Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A earned the title of "Al-Farooq" (the one who makes the clear difference between Right and Wrong) from the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. He participated in all the battles of Islam with Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. History notes that He donated his half of the property when being asked for by Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W in the way of ALLAH. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W noted and said many times that it looks, Umar speaks and Quran is bestowed upon. Few examples of ALLAH's rule are; Hijab, offering 2 prayers as "Nafal" at "Baab-e-Ibrahim" in Kaaba, solution for the prisoners of Badr, not to offer Duua on "Munafiq" grave etc.... Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A passed his great Caliphate of approximately 10 years after the death of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A. His Caliphate is the most popular and memorable Caliphate according to fair and just amongst all others. A Jew named "Abu-Lolou-Feroz" inserted a dagger in His back, while He was offering the Fajr prayers to Muslims in the position of prostrating (Sajdah). Jews kept the name of a stone in name of their partner who martyred Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A as "Feroza" (a sky blue like stone usually been wore in the form of a ring in finger. Hazrat Umar Farooq R.A breathed his last on 26th Dhul-Hajj, 23 Hijri. He is buried next to the side of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W.
Sayings of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W:
1. I see that devil either from humans or jinn, runs away from Umar. (Tirimzi)
2. I saw in a dream that I was given a bowl of milk which I drunk and remaining I gave it to Umar. (Tirmzi)
3. No doubt, ALLAH has issue truth, on the tongue and in the heart of Umar. (Tirmzi)
4. I saw a dream that I am in the Heaven, there I saw Rameesa (my quilt aunt) and I heard someone's footstep, I asked: who is this?. I was answered: it is Bilal and I saw a palace with a handmaid standing in front of it, I asked: whose palace is this?. She said: Umar bin Khattab's. I wished to see it from inside but, Oh Umar!, I divided my attention from your shame. Hazrat Umar R.A said: My father and mother be sacrificed upon You, should I ponder from Your saying?. (Bukhari)
5. If some else Prophet should have been proposed by ALLAH after me, would have been Umar bin Khattab. (Tirimzi)
His Martyrdom:
The glorious rule of Hazrat Umar R.A came to an end with his death on Wednesday the 27th of Dhil Hijjah, the year 23 A.H. (643 A.C.) when he was 61 years old. There was a Persian slave of Hadrat Mughirah bin Shu'bah, named Abu Lu' Lu' Firoze. One day he complained about the burden his master had imposed upon him. The complaint was not genuine, hence Hadrat Umar R.A ignored it. Next day, early in the morning when Hadrat Umar (Raziallah Anho) went to Masjid to perform Fajr Salat, the slave who was hiding in a corner, attacked him with a dagger and stabbed him six times. People overpowered the assassin but he slew himself with the same dagger.
The injuries were so serious that the Caliph died the next morning.
Inna Lil Allahe Wainna elehe Rajeoon
Before his death the Muslims asked him about his successor, he appointed a panel of six persons, Hadrat 'Usma Zubair, Talha, Sa'd bin Waqqas and 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf R.A to select a "Khalifah" from amongst them within three days after him.
He requested Hadrat Aisha R.A for permission for his burial by the side of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. Though she had reserved that place for herself but on Umar's request she gave it to him where he was buried.
Hazrat Umar's (R.A.) Period was the GOLDEN AGE of ISLAMIC History
Hadrat Umar’s period was the Golden Age of the Islamic
history when Islam was practiced in its true form. Hazrat Umar (R.A.)
Initiated 41 good practices during his period, which were based upon the
Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. These are known as "Awliat-i-Umar (the Initiations Of Umar).
The details can be seen in the books of Islamic History like Tabari,
Ibn-i-Athir, and Tarikh-i-Khulafa etc. Most of these initiations have
been mentioned in the preceding pages in brief. Actually Hadrat Umar
(R.A.) was the founder of ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY based upon the Holy Qur'an
and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). The
words of the Holy Prophet are very true
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Please recite Surah-e-Fatiha for him once. |
(Bukhari and Muslim)
The 1st of Muharram marks the martyrdom of Hazrat Umar (RA), the second caliph of Islam. Does Games Harm His assassination was a significant event in Islamic history, prompting reflection on leadership.
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