Here I am discussing Ishq e memnu' story, theme & scenario of How Bihter and Behlul met, fell in love with each other , separated and then came to end.
At first let me give you people some detail about the play. The play has given us an idea about those tycoons looking after their property of billions, running many mills & factories, a kind of a posh lifestyle. Where drinking, making friends, night stands are all just nothing.
A very rich man (Adnan) who has lost his diseased wife , is a father of two children (Nehal & Bulent), lives with his children , flirt nephew (Behlul)and a caretaker (Deniz) of his children who was friend of his wife & has soft corner for him too & his servants (namely Suleman, Shaista, Chambeli, Nasreen, Bashir). He then meet a girl (Bihter) half of his age, who has lost her father of a heart attack for his wife cheating. Bihter is saddened on her father's death & is crying, the oldie then fell in love with her & is very likely to marry her (LOL thark). At the same time Bihter's mom (Firdous) start fancying Adnan (For greed of his wealth). Let me state it too Bihter's sis Peyker is ex of Behlul and is now with Nehat (son of Hilmi & Aynur, kinda enemies of Firdous).
Peyker and Nehat got to marry,Adnan & Bihter start their relationship. Bihter just wants to avenge her mom for her father's death then take a smooth step towards Adnan. Adnan, the oldie starts day dreaming of a very young yet beautiful wife. He then proposes Bihter & she ask him to visit her mom to keep his proposal before her.
Nehal is kinda surprised & grieved over her father's decision, she has always wanted him to marry Deniz hence couldn't agreed him. whereas Bulent really likes Bihter with Behlul
At first let me give you people some detail about the play. The play has given us an idea about those tycoons looking after their property of billions, running many mills & factories, a kind of a posh lifestyle. Where drinking, making friends, night stands are all just nothing.
A very rich man (Adnan) who has lost his diseased wife , is a father of two children (Nehal & Bulent), lives with his children , flirt nephew (Behlul)and a caretaker (Deniz) of his children who was friend of his wife & has soft corner for him too & his servants (namely Suleman, Shaista, Chambeli, Nasreen, Bashir). He then meet a girl (Bihter) half of his age, who has lost her father of a heart attack for his wife cheating. Bihter is saddened on her father's death & is crying, the oldie then fell in love with her & is very likely to marry her (LOL thark). At the same time Bihter's mom (Firdous) start fancying Adnan (For greed of his wealth). Let me state it too Bihter's sis Peyker is ex of Behlul and is now with Nehat (son of Hilmi & Aynur, kinda enemies of Firdous).
Peyker and Nehat got to marry,Adnan & Bihter start their relationship. Bihter just wants to avenge her mom for her father's death then take a smooth step towards Adnan. Adnan, the oldie starts day dreaming of a very young yet beautiful wife. He then proposes Bihter & she ask him to visit her mom to keep his proposal before her.
Nehal is kinda surprised & grieved over her father's decision, she has always wanted him to marry Deniz hence couldn't agreed him. whereas Bulent really likes Bihter with Behlul
(Bihter & Behlul dislike each other, Behlul think if Bihter is marrying his uncle for his wealth whereas Bihter hate him to cheat her sis). They first met each other when Bihter has come to see off Peyker whilst Behlul has come there to receive Elif.
Mr Adnan soon pay a visit to Bihter's mom & set his proposal before her. Firdous who was thinking if he has come to propose her, starts shouting and creating a sort of drama for the age differences between her daughter & the person (oldie :/ ). However Bihter , the clever girl somehow mange to marry him. She then visit Ahsen (Adnan's sis) along with Peyker & Firdous. Where Behlul closely noticed her with his uncle.
Soon after the visit Adnan and Bihter get married where Hilmi creates a drama by sending a tape (before he also has told Adnan that he is making a big mistake by marrying Firdous' daughter Bihter and warns him that Firdous will rob his family just like she did to Nihat but Adnan ignores him) Behlul however managed the situation.
Bihter and Adnan starts living a happy life. Bihter tries to be good towards Adnan's children. Now everything is going well. Bihter gets pregnant with Adnan's child. Her mother Firdevs becomes excited and says this child will ensure Bihter's position in Ziyagil family. But Bihter is not ready for the child so early. She talks to Adnan about it that his children have not accepted Bihter yet. She wants to give them more time so they can get attached with her completely. He says we will talk later on it and also that he will be with her in her decision but he wanted to think over it again. Bihter aborts the child without informing Adnan and he gets tensed. Some problems between Bihter and Adnan arise due to this but then these are resolved.
Now what .. ?
They marry & then live happily ever after ?
oh no ..
how's that possible by keeping petrol with a fire & imagining if it would not burn.
stupidity, I must say! :/
Poor oldie keep his sexy wife & hottie nephew together under one roof..
so silly he was to do that ! :/
Mr Behlul now is with Elif (his GF),
& then alluring Bihter (with much shorter & hotter dresses) start gaining his attention. Poor flirty , compelled by his habit , is distracted by the sexy aunt (of course any person would).
When Adnan got a love letter of Behlul praising Peyker and mistook if it was for Bihter. He called them both and ask about it then Behlul told him the truth.
The family then celebrates new year at Ahsan's farmhouse where Adnan in a sense of apologize gifts Behul a car and then ask Bihter and Behlul to dance together that they both enjoys much.
Family enjoys the night and greet each other with presents for new year.
On the next day Bihter follows Behlul to clear the all misunderstandings created by the letter where Behlul denies to listen her that make Bihter angry but she told him that it was not her fault, Peyker has asked her to burn all those letters so that Nehat wouldn't read them but unfortunately she missed that one and Adnan caught it.
They both then make up the confusion and start their friendship that actually led them in the worst situation afterwards.
The family then plan a trip to Paris & western areas whereas Behlul denied to join them so that he could enjoy with Elif in Ziyagill's mansion. Adnan along with his family is happily enjoying vacations when a day suddenly Behlul arrived and surprised them. All are really happy (specially Nehal, she has some soft feelings for her cousin), their Bihter start taking more interest in him , Behlul noticed it and ask her to stay away where Bihter is in state of shock (before it , Behlul has caught her in his room, smelling his perfume and thus came to know that she shares the mutual feeling of attraction as he does.),
Bihter there punt him that he won't marry Elif , Behlul then accept the challenge & bet a perfume as a reward.
They are now back to Istanbul, Behlul fixes a meeting of his uncle to Elif's parent so that they could mingle along & set a date for their engagement where Bihter get to know through Peyker that Hilmi these days is cheating on his wife for Elif. Bihter then planned them to meet at the place where Hilmi is sharing his holds, she somehow managed the situation so that Behlul would get to know about it. Behlul however didn't take the situation seriously (for winning his bet actually) but he is getting more interested in his aunt day by day. He ask her to leave him alone or if she has any soft feelings,
Bihter get angry with him and then start ignoring him, so he started jealousing her by kissing or praising Elif in her front.
He , on his engagement with Elif feel loved for Bihter and got distracted by her physical beauty and sexiness. Bihter has wore alluring Orange dress that has incremented her beauty by many times.
He couldn't control himself falling for her and thus say these beautiful lines :
After the engagement party, Behlul is playing Piano on the request of Ahsan and Nehal when Bihter come to the room and her heart goes with the flow of the music, just after he stopped playing it she leaves the room and come at the back of the mansion,
where Behlul follows her and tried to kiss & seduce Bihter, Bihter pushes him away and run towards her room, where Behlul is kinda surprised of what he had done whilst Bihter is hurt and crying.
Mrs Firdous knew all the truth of what is going on between Bihter and Behlul by spying on her through her maid Katiya and warn Bihter to move back but Bihter denies her by saying she has got it wrong. They fight even more on this subject. Bihter even tries to kick Firdevs out of the house, but Firdevs threatens her to tell everything to Adnan. Behlul drink all the night with Captain Raza (he will be Nasreen's fiancee later) that drives him unconscious, Raza calls Adnan and tells him Behlul's condition and ask him to come to receive Behlul. Mr Adnan along with Bashir took Behlul to home, where Behlul is still not in his conscious tells Bihter about his love which she cleverly cope up with the situation before Adnan. Next day Elif send her rings back to Behlul , telling she don't to want to be in relationship with him any more. Bihter has now also grown mushy feelings for Behlul and accepted before him her love. Firdovs finds out about Deniz’s secret feelings for Adnan and tells Bihter about it. Bihter gets angry and tries to send Deniz away, but then she stops because she thinks that Deniz might also know about her passion for Behlül.
It gives Behlul confidence and he start doing these creepy things with Bihter every time he find her alone, They kiss, hug and even intercourse sex.
Behlul broke up with Elif and according to the bet , Behlul give Bihter a Perfume. He also buys a small house on the riverside (RIVA) but only Bihter is aware of it. Bihter often goes there to meet Behlul.Their they both carried out their lusty and filthy feelings.
God knows what it was?
Either Lust or Love!
That destroys respect and loyalty of every relation, they both were deceiving.
It was forbidden Love and it needs to come to an end, the disastrous end.
They both were making love at the workshop of Adnan where Bashir make their video but hide it from others, for he doesn't want to hurt Nehal (whom he loves secretly) and Adnan.
Bihter realizes that it must be Bashir who saw her with Behlul. Especially when Bashir tries to talk to Adnan in private, her suspicion becomes true. In the meantime, Behlul's former fiancé, Elif, has spread the rumor that Behlül and Nihal are only distant cousins and thus secret lovers. While the entire family is angry, Nihal seems to like the idea. Bihter tell ale this to Behlul who got horrified by the news when Nihal comes to visit Riva. Bihter managed to escape but had an accident on her way that disturbed the whole family, Adnan as well as Behlul are worried about Bither's accident. Bither is only mildly injured in the car crash. She was on her way to tell Adnan everything about her and Behlul. Behlul cries loud, and come to see Bihter while Firdous caught him kissing Bihter on her hands. Even after the accident she is convinced to tell Adnan everything. However, Behlul somehow convince her to stop.
Bihter, now is deeply in love with Behlul and she doesn't want to lose him at any cost. She asks him to fly away so that she could divorce Adnan and they both will live happily. Behlul agrees to do so but at the very last moment when they were just about to fly he denies to go and come back to the mansion.
Bihter is much upset on Behlul's cowardice and to avenge him and his inability to stand by her side Bihter returns to her husband. she start paying more attention on her husband. She many times kissed Adnan in front of Behlul to jealy him,
Behlul got depressed and rest a night in Riva with his ex-gf where Bihter caught him cheating. They fought and broke up.
Meanwhile, trying to make Bihter forget about her passion for Behlul, Firdous finds out about Nihal’s feelings for the same Behlul. She tries to bring them together. After a while, she even reveals this to Adnan. Bihter gets angry with her mothers schemes one more time. Behlul is now guilty for cheating on his uncle and left Bihter, Bihter couldn't take the situation and start pinching Behlul for not doing so. Behlul now is moving towards Nehal , the innocent cousin. Bihter and Behlul again had a bet for the engagement.
Behlul proposes on Nihal and Adnan gratefully agrees to see his daughter really happy, they successfully had their engagement. Bihter is destroyed to see Nihal and Behlül engaged, but manages to hide her feelings to the rest of the family.
English Translation Of The Song o Nihal's and Behlul's engagemnent...
This song is from Bihter and Behlul's aspect and reflects their feelings
Female: A page is tearing from the time
As you're leaving me (behind)
Male: Of this love, from the very beginning
It was its ending that I feared
Female: I've hidden you like a sin
Me with you, no one has seen
Both: My eyes smiled as my inside cried
It was Like a sin that I had to hide
Female: Neither from today nor from the next
What's left that I'm going to expect
Male: Jealous of me that day because of you
Those Pictures have turned pale
Both: I've hidden you like a sin
Me with you, Nobody has seen
My eyes smiled as my inside cried
It was Like a sin that I had to hide
Bihter is again pregnant of Behlul's child, she tells him about pregnancy for which he neg accepting it his child and even he denies if Bihter really is pregnant and take the situation as Bihter's clever plan. Firdous finds out the pregnancy and calls Adnan, Adnan is really happy but when he ask Bihter about she denies and call Firdous a lier. This time it is dangerous for her to abort the child but when Behlul denies accepting it and has moved towards Nihal, she aborts it on the risk of her life. (At the very moment, I for the very first time feels her pain, she wasn't the only to sin but she was suffering it alone.)
Behlul finds her in pain and later ask her the truth but it was too late, she ignores him and didn't share her pain with anyone.
Bihter found Nihal and Behlul affectionately in real love that hurts her ego and self respect, she in anger broke the mirror that Behlul has gifted her before. Mrs Firdous has been engaged with Chetin (another rich tycoon) and Bihter is in shock how her mom always got what she wants.
Behlul and Nihal throw a party for deciding their wedding date. Bihter was much heart broken and upset of the fate. She quote the same words as Behlul did on his engagement with Elif.
After a few days, Chetin throws a party at his house, to celebrate his engagement to Firdous with their family and friends. Bihter tells her mother that she cannot stand to see Nihal and Behlul living their love in front of her eyes. She asks Firdous to stop the imminent wedding by any means. Firdous promises her that she will do so, realizing for the first time how much Bihter was actually suffering.
Nihal and Behlul go on with their wedding preparation and Nihal is very excited, looking for honeymoon destinations and talking about her dress. Firdous doesn’t know how to stop this, but she knows she has to keep her promise. whilst trying to do so Peyker and Nihat caught her and came to know the whole truth of Bihter & Behlul. (Meanwhile, Hilmi sends to Adnan a copy of the key from Behlul’s house on the beach at Riva and a note, telling him to go and check the place because he might find interesting things. This is why she left home in the first place, when Adnan told her about the key. Trying not to look guilty of adultery, Bihter pretended she’s the victim and left angry. Later she started feeling guilty for real and she wanted to tell Adnan the whole truth. Rushing to him, Bihter had a car accident, which brought her back home eventually. )
Nihal with Adnan and rest of the family decides to give Behlul a surprise birthday party but they were confused how to call Behlul there without breaking the secret of the surprsi, Bihter took it as her responsibilty, she called Behlul and said that she now wants to meet him for the last time and to spend time with him and then they will broke apart. Behlul , even engaged to Nihal, agrees to do so. He got ready , pour perfume and reached the venue, but ramained all surprised and shocked by Seeing all of the family and crowd over there. (LOL his expressions were worth enjoying, Bihter after much time laugh and enjoys the whole party , singing and dancing for she today understand how much he really loves her.)
Bihter left the mansion, Behlul came to visit her and accused her for all what happened. Shame on him for being such a weak man. He was accusing Bihter for all the things that he and Bihter did together. He doesn't remember that he was the one who started it all and didn't back out when Bihter refused him and resisted him. He was the one keen on betraying his uncle and then he blame Bihter for betraying her husband but he doesn't see how he repaid his father-like uncle who gave him everything. Behlul wass even worse because he was betraying everyone. On the other hand, Bihter should have confessed to Adnan herself as Behlul can't be trusted with this.
Bihter realizes that Firdous can’t do anything to break up Nihal and Behlul , Bihter is ready to leave again and take Behlul with her this time. Behlul tells her constatly that she is insane and that he can’t do this to his uncle, Adnan, who raised him and gave him everything. Behlul misbehaves with her saying she is second Firdous that really hurts her but now it becomes impossible for her to forget Behlul and to watch him living under the same roof with someone else.
Even if she didn't try stopping him, it then make the chance that after marriage Behlul would have continue his relation with Bihter too. As after engagement with Nihal, he has many times kissed Bihter.
Behlul was coward enough not to take any stand or may be it was his greed. He has always loved Bihter but this time by cheating on her he's not only hurting her but himself too. Actually it was the real charm of Ishq-e-Mamnu, how a party boy, a Casanova falls in love with a girl and his life changes completely, he goes crazy for her. He loses interest in things that he earlier used to enjoy and that girl is all he thinks about anymore. She becomes his life and the playboy turns into a passionate lover. The guy who never took any relationship seriously, for the first time in his life, felt just love for a girl.
Bashir threatens Behlul that he will reveal it to Adnan if he hurts Nihal in any way. Eventually, Behlul convinces Bashir to give him the CD he made, without knowing that Bashir still had a copy of it in the computer and broke it. June comes so the wedding day comes too. Nihal is getting ready with her make-up artist and hair stylist. Bihter is home, suffering alone, locked in her room. Firdevs gets worried and manages to enter the room through the bathroom door. She tells her daughter to keep her head up, because she is stronger than anyone else. At the very moment, their would be no eye left tearless, she was crying hardly, as it was difficult for her to survive the loss, the very loss of his love. She bids her last good bye to her mom, kissing Firdous on her cheeks and telling her to leave for she is gonna reveal all the truth.
Later, Adnan meets Deniz de Courton at the cemetary and she tells him that something happened behind his back. Coming home, Adnan visits Bashir who was resting (he was suffering of pulmonary cancer in terminal stage). Bashir tells Adnan the truth, wanting to die in peace. Bihter then takes her last bath and wears her white dress. She was looking damn really pretty , like a doll, free of sin, like a sad doll.
Behlul comes rushing into Bihter’s room, called by Firdevs who told him that Bihter is ready to reveal everything to everyone. But Bihter has a gun in her hand and threatens to kill herself. She wants Behlul to choose between her and Nihal. He starts crying, begging her to put the gun down.
Firdevs is running away. Nihal comes by, dressed in a wedding dress, alarmed by the phone call she received from Bihter. She catches Firdevs on the stairs and asks her what is going on. But Firdevs is crying and doesn’t say anything to the girl.Adnan is horrified by the truth he found out and runs into house to figure everything out with Bihter. He bursts through the door and finds Behlul there, crying in front of Bihter. Then he sees the gun in his wife’s hand. Bihter pulls the trigger.
AND in this way their love full of lust and cowardice, their forbidden love, comes to it's end and even it need to be, when ever you follow your inner desires, ignoring the terrible realities, the disasters, it would always have pathetic, the most horrible ending. Like in case of Bihter and Behlul. Behlul then leaves the home heartbroken, and cries for the rest of his life for his Love Bihter , innocent cousin Nihal and dad like uncle. He accepts his cowardice that he was coward enough to hold Bihter's hand to accept his love before the whole world, he accepts how much he has loved her and only her, but now it was useless, he has lost her forever and now he has to live with his guilt, guilt of cheating, guilt of murdering.
Yes it was, but of another way!
Love was in their jealousies, when they both can't bear to see each other with anyone else.Mr Adnan soon pay a visit to Bihter's mom & set his proposal before her. Firdous who was thinking if he has come to propose her, starts shouting and creating a sort of drama for the age differences between her daughter & the person (oldie :/ ). However Bihter , the clever girl somehow mange to marry him. She then visit Ahsen (Adnan's sis) along with Peyker & Firdous. Where Behlul closely noticed her with his uncle.
Soon after the visit Adnan and Bihter get married where Hilmi creates a drama by sending a tape (before he also has told Adnan that he is making a big mistake by marrying Firdous' daughter Bihter and warns him that Firdous will rob his family just like she did to Nihat but Adnan ignores him) Behlul however managed the situation.
Bihter and Adnan starts living a happy life. Bihter tries to be good towards Adnan's children. Now everything is going well. Bihter gets pregnant with Adnan's child. Her mother Firdevs becomes excited and says this child will ensure Bihter's position in Ziyagil family. But Bihter is not ready for the child so early. She talks to Adnan about it that his children have not accepted Bihter yet. She wants to give them more time so they can get attached with her completely. He says we will talk later on it and also that he will be with her in her decision but he wanted to think over it again. Bihter aborts the child without informing Adnan and he gets tensed. Some problems between Bihter and Adnan arise due to this but then these are resolved.
Now what .. ?
They marry & then live happily ever after ?
oh no ..
how's that possible by keeping petrol with a fire & imagining if it would not burn.
stupidity, I must say! :/
Poor oldie keep his sexy wife & hottie nephew together under one roof..
so silly he was to do that ! :/
Mr Behlul now is with Elif (his GF),
& then alluring Bihter (with much shorter & hotter dresses) start gaining his attention. Poor flirty , compelled by his habit , is distracted by the sexy aunt (of course any person would).
When Adnan got a love letter of Behlul praising Peyker and mistook if it was for Bihter. He called them both and ask about it then Behlul told him the truth.
The family then celebrates new year at Ahsan's farmhouse where Adnan in a sense of apologize gifts Behul a car and then ask Bihter and Behlul to dance together that they both enjoys much.
Family enjoys the night and greet each other with presents for new year.
On the next day Bihter follows Behlul to clear the all misunderstandings created by the letter where Behlul denies to listen her that make Bihter angry but she told him that it was not her fault, Peyker has asked her to burn all those letters so that Nehat wouldn't read them but unfortunately she missed that one and Adnan caught it.
They both then make up the confusion and start their friendship that actually led them in the worst situation afterwards.
The family then plan a trip to Paris & western areas whereas Behlul denied to join them so that he could enjoy with Elif in Ziyagill's mansion. Adnan along with his family is happily enjoying vacations when a day suddenly Behlul arrived and surprised them. All are really happy (specially Nehal, she has some soft feelings for her cousin), their Bihter start taking more interest in him , Behlul noticed it and ask her to stay away where Bihter is in state of shock (before it , Behlul has caught her in his room, smelling his perfume and thus came to know that she shares the mutual feeling of attraction as he does.),
Bihter there punt him that he won't marry Elif , Behlul then accept the challenge & bet a perfume as a reward.
They are now back to Istanbul, Behlul fixes a meeting of his uncle to Elif's parent so that they could mingle along & set a date for their engagement where Bihter get to know through Peyker that Hilmi these days is cheating on his wife for Elif. Bihter then planned them to meet at the place where Hilmi is sharing his holds, she somehow managed the situation so that Behlul would get to know about it. Behlul however didn't take the situation seriously (for winning his bet actually) but he is getting more interested in his aunt day by day. He ask her to leave him alone or if she has any soft feelings,
Bihter get angry with him and then start ignoring him, so he started jealousing her by kissing or praising Elif in her front.
He , on his engagement with Elif feel loved for Bihter and got distracted by her physical beauty and sexiness. Bihter has wore alluring Orange dress that has incremented her beauty by many times.
He couldn't control himself falling for her and thus say these beautiful lines :
I am in Pain,
My Heart is guilty,
My Heart is guilty,
My Brain is guilty,
Tonight, I've feel the most,
What I WISH really meant...
After the engagement party, Behlul is playing Piano on the request of Ahsan and Nehal when Bihter come to the room and her heart goes with the flow of the music, just after he stopped playing it she leaves the room and come at the back of the mansion,
where Behlul follows her and tried to kiss & seduce Bihter, Bihter pushes him away and run towards her room, where Behlul is kinda surprised of what he had done whilst Bihter is hurt and crying.
Mrs Firdous knew all the truth of what is going on between Bihter and Behlul by spying on her through her maid Katiya and warn Bihter to move back but Bihter denies her by saying she has got it wrong. They fight even more on this subject. Bihter even tries to kick Firdevs out of the house, but Firdevs threatens her to tell everything to Adnan. Behlul drink all the night with Captain Raza (he will be Nasreen's fiancee later) that drives him unconscious, Raza calls Adnan and tells him Behlul's condition and ask him to come to receive Behlul. Mr Adnan along with Bashir took Behlul to home, where Behlul is still not in his conscious tells Bihter about his love which she cleverly cope up with the situation before Adnan. Next day Elif send her rings back to Behlul , telling she don't to want to be in relationship with him any more. Bihter has now also grown mushy feelings for Behlul and accepted before him her love. Firdovs finds out about Deniz’s secret feelings for Adnan and tells Bihter about it. Bihter gets angry and tries to send Deniz away, but then she stops because she thinks that Deniz might also know about her passion for Behlül.
It gives Behlul confidence and he start doing these creepy things with Bihter every time he find her alone, They kiss, hug and even intercourse sex.
Behlul broke up with Elif and according to the bet , Behlul give Bihter a Perfume. He also buys a small house on the riverside (RIVA) but only Bihter is aware of it. Bihter often goes there to meet Behlul.Their they both carried out their lusty and filthy feelings.
God knows what it was?
Either Lust or Love!
That destroys respect and loyalty of every relation, they both were deceiving.
It was forbidden Love and it needs to come to an end, the disastrous end.
They both were making love at the workshop of Adnan where Bashir make their video but hide it from others, for he doesn't want to hurt Nehal (whom he loves secretly) and Adnan.
Bihter realizes that it must be Bashir who saw her with Behlul. Especially when Bashir tries to talk to Adnan in private, her suspicion becomes true. In the meantime, Behlul's former fiancé, Elif, has spread the rumor that Behlül and Nihal are only distant cousins and thus secret lovers. While the entire family is angry, Nihal seems to like the idea. Bihter tell ale this to Behlul who got horrified by the news when Nihal comes to visit Riva. Bihter managed to escape but had an accident on her way that disturbed the whole family, Adnan as well as Behlul are worried about Bither's accident. Bither is only mildly injured in the car crash. She was on her way to tell Adnan everything about her and Behlul. Behlul cries loud, and come to see Bihter while Firdous caught him kissing Bihter on her hands. Even after the accident she is convinced to tell Adnan everything. However, Behlul somehow convince her to stop.
Bihter, now is deeply in love with Behlul and she doesn't want to lose him at any cost. She asks him to fly away so that she could divorce Adnan and they both will live happily. Behlul agrees to do so but at the very last moment when they were just about to fly he denies to go and come back to the mansion.
Bihter is much upset on Behlul's cowardice and to avenge him and his inability to stand by her side Bihter returns to her husband. she start paying more attention on her husband. She many times kissed Adnan in front of Behlul to jealy him,
Behlul got depressed and rest a night in Riva with his ex-gf where Bihter caught him cheating. They fought and broke up.
Meanwhile, trying to make Bihter forget about her passion for Behlul, Firdous finds out about Nihal’s feelings for the same Behlul. She tries to bring them together. After a while, she even reveals this to Adnan. Bihter gets angry with her mothers schemes one more time. Behlul is now guilty for cheating on his uncle and left Bihter, Bihter couldn't take the situation and start pinching Behlul for not doing so. Behlul now is moving towards Nehal , the innocent cousin. Bihter and Behlul again had a bet for the engagement.
Behlul proposes on Nihal and Adnan gratefully agrees to see his daughter really happy, they successfully had their engagement. Bihter is destroyed to see Nihal and Behlül engaged, but manages to hide her feelings to the rest of the family.
English Translation Of The Song o Nihal's and Behlul's engagemnent...
This song is from Bihter and Behlul's aspect and reflects their feelings
Female: A page is tearing from the time
As you're leaving me (behind)
Male: Of this love, from the very beginning
It was its ending that I feared
Female: I've hidden you like a sin
Me with you, no one has seen
Both: My eyes smiled as my inside cried
It was Like a sin that I had to hide
Female: Neither from today nor from the next
What's left that I'm going to expect
Male: Jealous of me that day because of you
Those Pictures have turned pale
Both: I've hidden you like a sin
Me with you, Nobody has seen
My eyes smiled as my inside cried
It was Like a sin that I had to hide
Bihter is again pregnant of Behlul's child, she tells him about pregnancy for which he neg accepting it his child and even he denies if Bihter really is pregnant and take the situation as Bihter's clever plan. Firdous finds out the pregnancy and calls Adnan, Adnan is really happy but when he ask Bihter about she denies and call Firdous a lier. This time it is dangerous for her to abort the child but when Behlul denies accepting it and has moved towards Nihal, she aborts it on the risk of her life. (At the very moment, I for the very first time feels her pain, she wasn't the only to sin but she was suffering it alone.)
Behlul finds her in pain and later ask her the truth but it was too late, she ignores him and didn't share her pain with anyone.
Bihter found Nihal and Behlul affectionately in real love that hurts her ego and self respect, she in anger broke the mirror that Behlul has gifted her before. Mrs Firdous has been engaged with Chetin (another rich tycoon) and Bihter is in shock how her mom always got what she wants.
Behlul and Nihal throw a party for deciding their wedding date. Bihter was much heart broken and upset of the fate. She quote the same words as Behlul did on his engagement with Elif.
I am in Pain,
My Heart is guilty,
My Heart is guilty,
My Brain is guilty,
Tonight, I've feel the most,
What I WISH really meant...
After a few days, Chetin throws a party at his house, to celebrate his engagement to Firdous with their family and friends. Bihter tells her mother that she cannot stand to see Nihal and Behlul living their love in front of her eyes. She asks Firdous to stop the imminent wedding by any means. Firdous promises her that she will do so, realizing for the first time how much Bihter was actually suffering.
Nihal and Behlul go on with their wedding preparation and Nihal is very excited, looking for honeymoon destinations and talking about her dress. Firdous doesn’t know how to stop this, but she knows she has to keep her promise. whilst trying to do so Peyker and Nihat caught her and came to know the whole truth of Bihter & Behlul. (Meanwhile, Hilmi sends to Adnan a copy of the key from Behlul’s house on the beach at Riva and a note, telling him to go and check the place because he might find interesting things. This is why she left home in the first place, when Adnan told her about the key. Trying not to look guilty of adultery, Bihter pretended she’s the victim and left angry. Later she started feeling guilty for real and she wanted to tell Adnan the whole truth. Rushing to him, Bihter had a car accident, which brought her back home eventually. )
Nihal with Adnan and rest of the family decides to give Behlul a surprise birthday party but they were confused how to call Behlul there without breaking the secret of the surprsi, Bihter took it as her responsibilty, she called Behlul and said that she now wants to meet him for the last time and to spend time with him and then they will broke apart. Behlul , even engaged to Nihal, agrees to do so. He got ready , pour perfume and reached the venue, but ramained all surprised and shocked by Seeing all of the family and crowd over there. (LOL his expressions were worth enjoying, Bihter after much time laugh and enjoys the whole party , singing and dancing for she today understand how much he really loves her.)
Bihter left the mansion, Behlul came to visit her and accused her for all what happened. Shame on him for being such a weak man. He was accusing Bihter for all the things that he and Bihter did together. He doesn't remember that he was the one who started it all and didn't back out when Bihter refused him and resisted him. He was the one keen on betraying his uncle and then he blame Bihter for betraying her husband but he doesn't see how he repaid his father-like uncle who gave him everything. Behlul wass even worse because he was betraying everyone. On the other hand, Bihter should have confessed to Adnan herself as Behlul can't be trusted with this.
Bihter realizes that Firdous can’t do anything to break up Nihal and Behlul , Bihter is ready to leave again and take Behlul with her this time. Behlul tells her constatly that she is insane and that he can’t do this to his uncle, Adnan, who raised him and gave him everything. Behlul misbehaves with her saying she is second Firdous that really hurts her but now it becomes impossible for her to forget Behlul and to watch him living under the same roof with someone else.
Even if she didn't try stopping him, it then make the chance that after marriage Behlul would have continue his relation with Bihter too. As after engagement with Nihal, he has many times kissed Bihter.
Behlul was coward enough not to take any stand or may be it was his greed. He has always loved Bihter but this time by cheating on her he's not only hurting her but himself too. Actually it was the real charm of Ishq-e-Mamnu, how a party boy, a Casanova falls in love with a girl and his life changes completely, he goes crazy for her. He loses interest in things that he earlier used to enjoy and that girl is all he thinks about anymore. She becomes his life and the playboy turns into a passionate lover. The guy who never took any relationship seriously, for the first time in his life, felt just love for a girl.
Bashir threatens Behlul that he will reveal it to Adnan if he hurts Nihal in any way. Eventually, Behlul convinces Bashir to give him the CD he made, without knowing that Bashir still had a copy of it in the computer and broke it. June comes so the wedding day comes too. Nihal is getting ready with her make-up artist and hair stylist. Bihter is home, suffering alone, locked in her room. Firdevs gets worried and manages to enter the room through the bathroom door. She tells her daughter to keep her head up, because she is stronger than anyone else. At the very moment, their would be no eye left tearless, she was crying hardly, as it was difficult for her to survive the loss, the very loss of his love. She bids her last good bye to her mom, kissing Firdous on her cheeks and telling her to leave for she is gonna reveal all the truth.
Later, Adnan meets Deniz de Courton at the cemetary and she tells him that something happened behind his back. Coming home, Adnan visits Bashir who was resting (he was suffering of pulmonary cancer in terminal stage). Bashir tells Adnan the truth, wanting to die in peace. Bihter then takes her last bath and wears her white dress. She was looking damn really pretty , like a doll, free of sin, like a sad doll.
Behlul comes rushing into Bihter’s room, called by Firdevs who told him that Bihter is ready to reveal everything to everyone. But Bihter has a gun in her hand and threatens to kill herself. She wants Behlul to choose between her and Nihal. He starts crying, begging her to put the gun down.
Firdevs is running away. Nihal comes by, dressed in a wedding dress, alarmed by the phone call she received from Bihter. She catches Firdevs on the stairs and asks her what is going on. But Firdevs is crying and doesn’t say anything to the girl.Adnan is horrified by the truth he found out and runs into house to figure everything out with Bihter. He bursts through the door and finds Behlul there, crying in front of Bihter. Then he sees the gun in his wife’s hand. Bihter pulls the trigger.
AND in this way their love full of lust and cowardice, their forbidden love, comes to it's end and even it need to be, when ever you follow your inner desires, ignoring the terrible realities, the disasters, it would always have pathetic, the most horrible ending. Like in case of Bihter and Behlul. Behlul then leaves the home heartbroken, and cries for the rest of his life for his Love Bihter , innocent cousin Nihal and dad like uncle. He accepts his cowardice that he was coward enough to hold Bihter's hand to accept his love before the whole world, he accepts how much he has loved her and only her, but now it was useless, he has lost her forever and now he has to live with his guilt, guilt of cheating, guilt of murdering.
Some of their Moments:
- Was it Love?
Yes it was, but of another way!
- What another way?
- But where was Love between them?
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Before Bihter and Adnan's marriage at Arsan's farmhouse |
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In the begining of Bihter' and Adnan' marriage |
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At Firdous's engagement party |
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At Arsan's farmhouse |
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While watching Adnan and Bihter dancing |
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At Nihal and Behlul engagement party |
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on seeing Nihal's wedding gown |
Love was when they cried for each other..
Yes he felt ashamed for being a coward and
not having the courage to hold Bihter's hand. He felt ashamed for betraying his uncle and nihal. He confessed that he always loved Bihter but didn't have the guts to stand by her. He says that he is the killer of everyone and it is his punishment that he will have to live this guilt forever.

Love was when they dance together..
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Love was when they kiss...
Love was when evry song reminds him of Bihter...
At this time Behlul was listening this song and missing all those lovable yet painful memories..
Over and over i look in your eyes...
you are all I desire, you have captured me...
I want to hold you, I want to be close to you...
I never want to let go...
I wish that this night will never end...
I need to know....
Could i hold hold you for a lifetime....
Could I look into your eyes...
Could I have this night to share this night together....
Could i hold you close beside me....
Could i hold you for all time
Could I Have This Kiss Forever
At this time Behlul was listening this song and missing all those lovable yet painful memories..
Over and over i look in your eyes...
you are all I desire, you have captured me...
I want to hold you, I want to be close to you...
I never want to let go...
I wish that this night will never end...
I need to know....
Could i hold hold you for a lifetime....
Could I look into your eyes...
Could I have this night to share this night together....
Could i hold you close beside me....
Could i hold you for all time
Could I Have This Kiss Forever
Behlul thinks of Bihter whenever love is mentioned.
English translation of the song playing on the radio:
Those hard days, fading days are in the past, it's over
Back then the winds that I fell in love with, blew and blew, and then they were gone
There are only half loves left
Finely long lines on my face
Words with a remaining subject, but reduced time
A couple of untrue pictures are left
Love can either find you or it can stay away
As you think it's being sincere, it can also keep distance
That's the way it works
It can either hit you or it can remain uninterested
When you think it's pouring him/her into you, it can also lay traps
That's the way it works
Love was when Bihter always care for Behlul's gifts and accessories ...
Love was in their little little full of love dialogues...
Forbidden love is the most irresistible feeling, lovers couldn't be apart, could think of what's right or wrong.. It comes and ends up in taking everything one have, their honor, dignity, self respect, family and most of all their lives and so is what happened to them..
Last dialogues of Behlul:
English translation of the song playing on the radio:
Those hard days, fading days are in the past, it's over
Back then the winds that I fell in love with, blew and blew, and then they were gone
There are only half loves left
Finely long lines on my face
Words with a remaining subject, but reduced time
A couple of untrue pictures are left
Love can either find you or it can stay away
As you think it's being sincere, it can also keep distance
That's the way it works
It can either hit you or it can remain uninterested
When you think it's pouring him/her into you, it can also lay traps
That's the way it works
Love was when Bihter always care for Behlul's gifts and accessories ...
Love was in their little little full of love dialogues...
Forbidden love is the most irresistible feeling, lovers couldn't be apart, could think of what's right or wrong.. It comes and ends up in taking everything one have, their honor, dignity, self respect, family and most of all their lives and so is what happened to them..
Last dialogues of Behlul:
Got my eyes teary. Love BB forever. wants to see them again together with a new role. i always have wished watching IM every time that Behlul wouldn't be coward this time but i know it would not happen. The story their acting all was fab
ReplyDeleteI am Speechless... Perfect Story,Chemistry,Passion etc... Just Love them B & B Forever<3<3 :*
ReplyDeletethey are my all time favorite they are best beyond our speech love love love them i have always fancies them perfect couple either way
ReplyDeleteincredible work admin hats off love them to the hell they are my perfectionist
ReplyDeletebest best best love u BB
ReplyDeleteI love Bihter and Behlul together, but after they splited Behlul was a jerk with her many times, I felt really bad for her.
ReplyDeletebehlul dint deserve bihter. true love is kerimand fatmagul. list is behlul bihter. jab di bhar gaya toh bihter ko phenk kar nihal ke paise ke peecha chaa gaya. behlul can never be kerim ilghaz true lover. he gotbeaten up and got shot and bore fatmaguls hate to win her love. true love is sacrifice.
ReplyDeletei m involved in the story n characters. i felt it by heart.dnt wana chk dat wot is rit n wrong.i hav physiological issue s after seen dis drama.n dnt wana come out from it.
ReplyDeletei m involved in the story n characters. i felt it by heart.dnt wana chk dat wot is rit n wrong.i hav physiological issue s after seen dis drama.n dnt wana come out from it.
ReplyDeletei love dis story n characters.
ReplyDeletei love dis story n characters.
ReplyDeleteBihter and Behlul. Oh the tragic humanity!! I am literally left reeling in the aftermath of this astonishingly well done production. I've cried for Bihter so often and feel her pain to my core as of my own. They could've possibly made it if gorgeous, pretend Prince Behlul would've stepped up like a man. He was a path of least resistance guy.....his own comfort was his goal. To the end. Even with the supposed love his life holding a gun to her chest he was busy looking out the window for where his uncle might be so he could salvage and hide more. My own heart broke as this man broke hers over and over. She was so angry with the whole household because her pain was so deep and repeated she couldn't stand it. Behlul didn't know what love was except for himself. What he did to her deliberately with Nihal while in the same house was egregious. Not just once did he break her heart. He did so so many times he finally broke her spirit. I still root for a different outcome even now for them both even though it is over. I'm left an emotional wreck. I'm sore of heart. I cry easily thinking of this show and the ending. A passionate, forbidden love whose death was inevitable. A sort of modern-day Romeo&Juliet but Romeo was actually nowhere to be found. Oh my heart.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I watch Bihter's funeral (I've seen it a 100 times) I said Bihter shouldn't have died. But if you think about it; what did she die for? She died for love. Passionate, forbidden love. She would do anything for love and she did. She suffered so much, and I never blamed her. I blame Behlul. He was a coward and he always let Bihert down. Always.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about it lately and there was 3 certain times, when he had the chance but he never took it. First, when he left her at the airport. Second time, when Adnan raped her. He should have left with Bihter forever and never look back. And he had the chance befor his wedding with Nihal. (Speaking of Nihal, well I strongly dislike her. She is annoying and childish.) And yes, Behlul was the blame. But I can't hate him, because he loved Bihter with all of his heart, but he wasn't strong enough to leave everything behind. His weakness was bigger than his love, but he got his punishment, he lost everything.
I read somewhere, that Nihal was the winner of the story, but I see it differently. I think Bihter won. She got rid of this toxic family. I mean, her mother never showed her love for her, her husband raped her, her lover cheated her with her step-daughter. I mean come on. I couldn't bear to live with them one minute longer. Now she is free and the others must suffer in their own hell, called life.
ugh...I was so philosophic.
Nothing built on the shifting sands of deceit can last. Everything done in the dark eventually comes to light one day. I watched this from start to finish; in amazement of Behlul's lack of strength however, its not all on him. Bihter married Adnan to get back at her mother, and, she missed her father. Not particularly good reasons to pledge your life to someone who was as kind and vulnerable as Adnan. I dont know how old Behlul was supposed to be but he was a rascal sowing his wild oats; he hadnt found himself yet when Bihter seduced him. Yes even though he was no angel she knew exactly what she was doing. She would not leave him alone until she knew she had him hooked and that is when she started playing. What happened at the end should have happened at the beginning if their "misplaced" feelings were so real. BUT there would be no story. Do you remember she called Belhul on the boat and said "I can leave and you can come later". Thats what real people would do who find themselves in such an unconscionable situation. She would have told Adnan she made a mistake. It would have hurt for a while of course, but she could have moved away and moved on. It appeared all of lifes luxuries got in the way. Can you imagine the two of them going to work every day, living in a two bedroomed apartment in Baykos, having only one crappy car perhaps. Never being able to afford a vacation or go out to dinner?? No of course not. Neither of them had worked and neither of them wanted to work. They wanted everything they both had and each other!! Sorry but life is just not that easy. It also rarely works when the love, and I use that word sparingly, is no more than a magnificent obsession. You cant build happiness on the foundation of other peoples misery. They didnt and couldnt even trust each other. You live by the sword and you die by the sword. I cried a lot during the last 5 or so episodes. Not for them as you may think but how one woman who out of revenge for her mother's actions could destroy so many lives. Take the accord of one household and leave ugly stains on all of the people who resided there. Bihter was cunning, manipulative and divisive. Beluhl was blinded yet conflicted and obsessed. This mixture of ingredients could never have ended well. ...and it didnt. For all the hopeless romantics, you were all as much a part of the deceit as they were; especially if you wanted to see them run off into the sunset at the end. Put yourself in any one pair of shoes other than theirs and see what fresh hell awaits you. I cried to see the total destruction and devastation left in the wake of their "romance". There was nothing clean and pure here. If you want to see a character in a series who is the antithesis of Beluhl, yet handsome and romantic watch Hatirla Gonul. The character Jusuf is man in every sense of the word. He wouldnt even kiss the woman he had fallen in love with when she was sitting next to him asleep. Why, because he respected she had a choice and he preferred for her to be awake to make it. .... and by the way, Kurt Seyit didnt have much guts either, another so-called man fighting with his inner demons!! Still, all great entertainment just the same.
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