Here are some memorable moments of our stars on viewers choice, the most appreciated and the most liked moments indeed.
- Ishq-e-memnu
- Fatmagul
- Feriha
- Kuzey Guney
- Intikam
Let me start it with the very first drama dubbed in Urdu,
The most liked moment of Bihter and Behlul is their tango dance.
When Bihter asks Behlul for a dance and said:
Tango is our dance
Like Love,
Like Love....,
Like US..!
When they dance in new year party:
When Zyagil family enjoyed their vacations, visiting western areas:
When the Family celebrates and greet each other with presents for new year.
Silly , cute fights of Behlul, Nihal and Bulent:
When Behlul on his engagement with Elif, feel love for Bihter and said:
I am in Pain,
My Heart is guilty,
My Brain is guilty,
Tonight, I've feel the most,
What I WISH really meant...
When Behlul first kisses Bihter forcefully and Bihter slaps him and run away crying:
Their first kiss in love:
Behlul: I know I'm playing with fire... I'm burning but...
Bihter: I don't know why I always feel happy with you... I forget everything when I'm with you...
When Behlul and Bihter first hug in Love:
Bihter' window scene when Behlul can't stand to see Bihter in Adnan
arms, the pain he felt, his tears, his grieved gestures and Bihter cried
feeling Behlul's pain, Their acting was all spectacular and wonderfully
When Behlul gifts Bihter a mirror so that she could see her beauty in Behlul's sight:
Nihal and Behlul's engagement when Bihter returns Behlul his lines that he said on his engagement with Elif to her:
I am in Pain,
My Heart is guilty,
My Brain is guilty,
Tonight, I've feel the most,
What I WISH really meant...
When Behlul heard Bihter crying and call her:
When Behlul misses and cries for his moments with Bihter on listening song:
Those hard days, fading days are in the past, it's over
Back then the winds that I fell in love with, blew and blew, and then they were gone
There are only half loves left
Finely long lines on my face
Words with a remaining subject, but reduced time
A couple of untrue pictures are left
Love can either find you or it can stay away
As you think it's being sincere, it can also keep distance
That's the way it works
It can either hit you or it can remain uninterested
When you think it's pouring him/her into you, it can also lay traps
That's the way it works
When Bihter cried whilst looking at Behlul's picture:
Their forest kiss:
Behlul and Bihter's painful conversation in forest:
Bihter and Mrs Firdous last conversation, it indeed was one of the most painful moment:
and Peyker's last conversation , when Bihter was continuosly crying and
kissing her nephews and sister for the last time:
When Bihter was crying for Behlul's diplomacy and cowardice and then saw Nihal's gown:
Nihal and Bashir last conversation:
When Bihter had her last bath:
When Bihter suicides for her love and Behlul realize how much he actually loves her, Bashir's death and Nihal's breaking down :
Moving towards next drama,
Some of the memorable moments are as follows:
Fatmagul's engagement with her love, Mustafa:
When Kerim first saw Fatmagul and fell for her :
When fatmagul becomes a raped victim of four drunk friends :
When Kerim cried out for his guilt:
When Mustafa set his house on fire that he was building to live with Fatmagul after their marriage:
When Kerim Marry Fatmagul to wash his sins and Fatmagul was forced to do so:
When Kerim wrote Fatmagul a letter, expressing his feelings for her.
When Kerim found lost Fatmagul and hold her in his arms, was crying but with tears of happiness:
When they first dance:
When Kerim cried for Fatmagul, for she was blaming him to destroy her happy life:
When Fatmagul holds Kerim hand instead of Mustafa, this indeed was the best moment of all:
When Fatmagul visits Kerim in jail and hug him and console him:
When Fatmagul look after sick Kerim with great love and care:
When Kerim was bailed and returned home happily with fatmagul:
When he kissed her in love:
When they sing a song together:
When they for the first time live alone outside their home:
When Fatmagul visits angry Kerim and he was surprised by her presence and hug her tight:
When they were playing with Elif:
When Kerim tore Fatmagul's wedding gown:
When they enjoyed their mehndi:
When they renew their marriage:
This was the cutest moment when Kerim was being naughty to fatmagul in their honey moon:
When Kerim giggles Fatmagul:
When they were expecting their first baby:
When they won their case against Yasarans:
Next drama is,
Femir's first impression for each other:
When he first shake hand with Feriha and drop her home:
When they were locked up in lecture hall so that they can know each other:
When Feriha surprise everyone in party by her appearance:
When they first hug in love:
When Koraye hugs Feriha that results in creating misunderstandings between Femir and Koraye Emir, the best friends as well:
When Koraye try sorting out the confusion but Emir was still behaving cold:
When Emir was ignoring Feriha:
When Feriha was forced engaged to Khalil:
Emir and Handey's accident:
When Feriha looks after injured Emir:
When Emir taught Feriha cycling, love the way they enjoyed:
When Feriha cooked for Emir:
When Emir proposes Feriha:
Emir staring at Feriha whilst she is eating popcorn, watching movie:
When Femir enjoyed their time in park:
When Emir surprised Feriha by helicopter flight:
Koraye and Emir's friendship:
Femir's first wedding:
Femir's Kiss in Love:
When Feriha spy on Emir to check if he's dating any girl:
When they renew their marriage publicly:
The saddest , when they were shot dead:
Kuzey Guney:
One of the highest rated drama, ruined completely in Pakistan. Some of the perfect memories , I am sharing here below, Hope it'll make y'all feel to watch original with English subtitles, credit goes to ALLIA ALLIA , huge CeKu fan, who wrote this. Happy Reading :
When Kuzey irritates Guney and Cemre with his cutely naughty tricks:
CeKu first kiss on bet:
When Kuzey consoles her for Guney isn't cheating, love the way he holds her:
birthday in the 1st season!! He got her the compass necklace as a gift
that showed Kuzey meaning "North" was a symbol that he is always
near to her and it will show her way to him!! The way he put this
necklace around her neck and his expressions when she kissed his cheeks
thanking him were adorable!!!!! This Kuzey necklace was always very near n dear to Cemre.
airport scene! (from bolum 50) After Ferhat's death and Cemre-Baris
marriage Kuzey was off to Berlin but due to ongoing trials he could not the meanwhile Cemre also was planning to go away with him,run
away with him..there they meet and talk at the airport ,Kuzey tells her
everything that in his dreams.the jail time he would dream her &
that they would go out together and the day he got his bail and she
hugged him when he returned,they met..... he said he sees the "sea" in
her eyes and smells the "spring" in her hair!..beautiful.
was one of their best scenes and one of the highest rated episode in
Turkey!! Here Cemre confessing her love for Kuzey the first time "I
love you"..."I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" .. Kuzey kept on saying "Sus Cemre
...sus" means to shut up and to not say!! because of Guney, to him it
was a forbidden love because she was his brother's ex-fiancee.
It was the moment,hilarious one
when Cemre was drunk in the bar and Kuzey could not resist going after
her..she asked him to say something good to which he replied
"Panda"..."Panda Panda"(2 times) ..Cemre then says its not romantic at
all ..Kuzey then calls her "Romantic Panda" ...(this was the valentines
day night and their photos were published next day in the
newspaper..Cemre still was Baris's wife,she wanted a divorce but he was
not ready to give..not just Baris even Zeynep got mad with
jealousy seeing them close together..
rooftop scene (Bolum 53) Here after loosing all her desires, her miserable
marriage with Baris and seeing punk Zeynep always trying to seduce
Kuzey, Cemre asked him to shoot
her, free her from all the endless hope in her and the torture she was
going through.. she said I have taken you completely out from my life Kuzey
,even from my dreams (but of course she could not ) Kuzey hugged her, she said I can't do it so you do.. they kissed, it was a beautiful scene Zeynep was watching them too.
Love the way how Kuzey watch Cemre with Baris in jealousy of Love:
When they met after their discussion at airport..Their cars bumped into each other that's how they met
Cemre praised his hairstyle that it suits him,and he is looking quite
handsome, wished him happy birthday..He replied thank u with his innocent
smile and shy look and asked her :Are you OK? he meant is she happy with
life or not.
Samsun, (bolum 7) here after her time in jail (Cemre) because of Baris and evil Guney
Kuzey had to surrender,abandon Istanbul and for the Makara he was in
Samsun..Cemre surprised him by paying a visit and they met after a long
time...the moment Kuzey saw her at the door and when she hugged him
tightly, he shined, glowed with happiness his expressions were just
toooooo cute!! priceless..
finally this was that great day, Cemre's second birthday (bolum 74) when
finally Kuzey made a lovely proposal to her which of course she
accepted!! Here
he opened up to her all his feelings..that he can never be happy
without her and she succeeded in breaking the chains around his
heart..he said to Cemre "every morning i wanna wake up with u...i want u
to be my day,to be my night and all the paths of my life leading to
you"..he thanked God,they shared a lovely dance too, both engrossed in
Some other moments as mentioned by another great fan , Sadaf Randhawa:
All I'll say is that they deserved their good golden days towards the
end! They met after so much troubles .. Audience felt each and every
emotion between them, happy or sad, their love was intact to the story
throughout the show.
Cemre in jail and Kuzey meeting her..(bolum 66)
He smashed Baris saying that punch was for Cemre (Cemre was a bait, a victim at Baris's hands she sacrificed loads for Kuzey too) He took her revenge.
Love the way they argue, their expressions, gestures were so in love even then:
This scene a sad one beautifully acted by both of them,coming very soon,
Kuzey said I m not the man you deserve or who can keep you happy Cemre
(he was going through Ferhat trauma and Gulten also asked him to stay
away from her) but she kept on saying I love you and I won't give up.
When Kuzey weds Simay:
Kuzey with Zeynep:
Pool scene on Kuzey's wedding with Simay:
This was the cutest when she was doing her blood test:
I like it how he would look at her, the love look!
these two mastered at expressing emotions through their eyes.."Sari ve
Cirkin that means
blondy and ugly " were the names they would tease each other with rather it was their way of showing that affection towards one another.

The saddest scene when Ferhat shot Ali dead, the only sincere friend or we can say more than a friend of Kuzey, A
brother he never had in Guney was
Ali. Even before dying his final words to
Kuzey were tell her (cemre) that u love her,live the life you want..
Ceku collage from Samsun! As BB had their secret place in Riva these two will spent time in Samsun.
Love the way she kisses her and he express his joy:
In first pic it was Kuzey drunk and in the second Cemre.I really like how they were always there for each other.
Boat ride and the selfie:
The loveliest scene when Kuzey played Banjo for Cemre:
Bano Guney wedding:
Love the way she kisses on her neck, warm relaxing kiss:
Contributed by Amana Hassan Agha:
Love the way she relax in his arms, and the way he smiles in comfort:
Made in Heaven !
Contributed by Vinny Zaman:
Their hot , deep kiss. This was real love They have a class unlike all others:
This was when Kuzey was sleeping and Cemre snapped him, he woke up and ran to catch the mobile, a cute lovely scene.
Love the way he always kissed her forehead:
It was Cemre's way of calming him down and consoling him, Look her soft palms, I love this habit of hers how she would console him. Always their for him in his bad times magic real such a true love, her tender palms would make a difference:
Shoulder kiss:
Happy Ending finally..
To Be Continued...